Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back in Prague!

So I arrived back in Prague this morning after a long two weeks of doctors appointments in NJ. And I'm so happy to be back! I decided to start a blog to show and talk about the places I visit while in Europe.

Prague is an extremely beautiful city. However, the people are definitely not the friendliest and don't seem to like Americans too much. Also they don't pick up their dogs poop. They are all on the Atkin's Diet since all they eat is cheese, meat and potatoes. But besides these things, the city is great and absolutely beautiful!

Here are some photos from around the city:

The Charles Bridge and Prague Castle

Old Town

Old Town

Old Town

In front of our Metro stop

Roommates :)

Prague at night, taken off a bridge by my apartment

The monastery by my apartment at night

Snow! and trams

Prague Castle at night from far away

Bridge by my apartment

From a high point in Prague, the Charle's River

Friday, February 5th 2011, we took a group trip to Kutna Hora, Czech Republic. Parts of Les Miserables (1998) was filmed here! It's a small town and is known for it's "Bone House", a church decorated with tens of thousands of human bones and skulls, pretty crazy.

Minus the creepy body part church, the town was very pretty:

Kutna Hora is also home to St. Barbara Cathedral, one of the most famous Gothic churches in central Europe. St. Barbara was the saint of miners... and what a coincidence, Kutna Hora is a very big silver mining town.

That's all so far, I'm looking forward to a great semester. My mom is coming tomorrow and we're heading to Vienna, Austria this weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. I think the "bone" chandelier" is amazing. The concept is creepy though. Have fun in Austria and keep posting-I look forward to it.
