Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tour of Prague

During my mom's week in Prague, we did a lot of exploring around the city. We also took a pretty good 3.5 hour tour of the main parts of the city and the weather ended up being really nice. The city is also so pretty at night with the reflection on the water.

On our tour we went across the river to go up by Prague Castle. 
"According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Prague Castle is the largest coherent castle complex in the world with an area of almost 70000 m², being 570 meters in length and an average of about 130 meters wide"

The view from the mountain behind the castle
We also have a mini Eiffel Tower called the Petrin Lookout Tower, which is 1/5 the size of the Eiffel Tower and heavily resembles it.

At the Prague Castle there are guards and every hour they do the changing of the guards and at 12 everyday they have a very big changing of the guards and a lot of people go to watch.

Next to Prague Castle is St. Vitus' Cathedral, which is the site of many Bohemian Kings' tombs.

After the tour of the Castle we went to OLD TOWN SQUARE, which I think is the most beautiful part of Prague. It used to be surrounded by a moat that connected to the river, but now the moat is covered with the street. It's also the most heavily populated with tourists and pickpockets. At Old Town Square is the astronomical clock which is also called Prague Orloj. It's located on the Old Town City Hall building. In the background of the astronomical clock, is the church of our Lady of Tyn, which was built in the 14th century. 

After Old Town Square we grabbed lunch and headed toward the Charle's Bridge. The bridge is only for pedestrians and so there is a lot of local artists and bands on the bridge during the day. The sun came out and it was beautiful.
After reaching the other side we visited the Lennon Wall and walked around the little island that's located right by the bridge. 

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